Crisi migratoria. Front and center is Italy’s role in the migration crisis that has shaken the European Union since 2015. The country’s economic performance has also driven voter dissatisfaction. La crisi migratoria e la performance economica negativa del Paese, durante gli ultimi anni, ha istigato l’insoddisfazione degli elettori. The continent’s migration crisis has rocked Italian politics, as the country has borne the brunt of migrant and refugee arrivals from nearby North Africa. La crisi migratoria del continente ha scosso la politica italiana, in quanto il paese ha sopportato il peso degli arrivi di migranti e rifugiati dal vicino Nord Africa. Italy absorbed more than six hundred thousand migrants over the last four years, with more than 180,000 arriving in 2016. Despite a slowdown in 2017 after the government made a controversial deal with Libyan militias to fight human traffickers, many Italian voters feel overwhelmed by the problem and abandoned by the European Union .Oltre 180.000 arrivi solo nel 2016, e ciò è accaduto nonostante un (controverso) accordo nel 2017 con le milizie libiche per combattere i trafficanti di esseri umani. Gli elettori italiani sentono il problema dei flussi incontrollati di migranti dall’Africa e credono che l’unione europea faccia più male che bene ogni volta che si pronuncia sulla questione. This has driven the rise of Euroskepticism, boosted right-wing parties that have pledged to crack down on immigration, and led to incidents of violence between Italians and migrants. The Italian economy was hit hard by the 2008–2009 financial crisis, shrinking by nearly 9 percent by 2013. It suffered a double-dip recession as policymakers imposed budget cuts to try to rein in the country’s massive debt—now at about $2.8 trillion, over 130 percent of gross domestic product.
Economia. L’economia italiana è stata duramente colpita dalla crisi finanziaria. Il ritorno alla crescita dal 2014 è stato lento, ma i dati più recenti attestano una crescita dell’1,4% che per l’Italia non è poco. Purtroppo, vi è una persistente disoccupazione a due cifre e ovviamente occorrono riforme più profonde per promuovere assunzioni e investimenti. Analysts say that the economy needs deeper reforms to promote hiring and investment, while some Italian politicians blame the euro common currency and EU budget rules for hindering the recovery. Some worry that continued low growth or another recession could lead to a debt crisis that could threaten the eurozone.
Banche. Le banche italiane detengono crediti per oltre $ 220 miliardi, e questo soffoca tutta l’economia. The government’s attempts to rescue some banks using public funds has drawn criticism both from the European Union—which has imposed rules against bank bailouts—and from opposition parties that see bailouts as symptoms of Italy’s perennial corruption. L’Italia rischia una crisi finanziaria peggiore se le banche iniziano a fallire. Some worry such a crisis could spread to other weak banks around Europe. Alcuni temono che una simile crisi possa diffondersi in altre banche deboli in tutta Europa.
Arturo Di Mascio